Looking for a great way to view and manage your RSS feeds from your desktop? Look no further than FeedDemon, the most popular Windows rss reader. The easy-to-use interface makes it a snap to stay informed with the latest news and information. You can completely customize the way feeds are organized and displayed and set up custom news watches based on keywords. You can even download podcasts and audio files and have them show up on your portable audio device. In addition, FeedDemon now synchronizes with NewsGator Online and the rest of the NewsGator rss Suite. The software is pre-configured with dozens of feeds, so you can unleash the power of rss right away.

Reading Feeds
- Newspaper Format: When you select a channel, FeedDemon's tabbed browser displays the channel's news items in a newspaper for easy reading. You can display a newspaper of news items for an entire folder or view one feed at a time.
- News Bins: Store news items in a central location and provide a handy way to collect items from different channels. If you find an interesting item that you might want to read again, just store it in a news bin for future reference. News Bins are synchronized through the NewsGator Online platform, so you can read these items from FeedDemon on other computers as well as other NewsGator readers.
- Synchronization: Read a post in FeedDemon and it is marked as read in other NewsGator readers.
- Shared Experience: See what news is popular with other NewsGator users and find out who is linking to the news you’re reading.
- Video: Watch embedded video right within the newspaper view.

Finding Feeds
- Watches: Look for keywords in news items as they're downloaded. After you create a watch, it examines every incoming news item whenever any channel is updated.
- News Comes To You: Subscribe to feeds from all over the web or choose some of the dozens of default feeds.
- Search: Search outside of FeedDemon's subscriptions by selecting a feed search engine, then enter your keyword, and FeedDemon will subscribe to a dynamic channel containing the search results for that keyword.

- Podcasts: Powerful podcasting tools enable you to download audio files and automatically copy them to your iPod or other media player. The bundled FeedStation utility enables you to schedule your downloads so they happen overnight while you're asleep. When you wake up, you'll find new audio waiting on your media player of choice.
Posted by mcloein


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